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Available commands


Displays a short description and a list of available commands.

Usage example:



Displays instructions for enabling auto-completion in the console.

Usage example:

dl completion
dl completion [bash|zsh]


Application settings.

Usage example:

dl config

config repo

Menu for setting up the images source repository.

The default is the GitHub repository ( If you have problems downloading images, you can switch the source to the RedHat mirror (

Usage example:

dl config repo

config service

Menu for managing the launch of additional containers.

By default, the service containers traefik, portainer and mail (mailcatcher) are launched. You can disable the launch of containers you don't need.


You can only disable portainer and mail. The traefik container cannot be disabled.

Usage example:

dl config service


Generating and (un)installing a root certificate in Firefox and/or Chrome/Chromium browsers.

The command only needs to be run once. It will generate a CA certificate and use the certutil utility to write it to the browser's storage.

The certificate rootCA.pem (and the key rootCA-key.pem) will be located in the directory:

After installing the root certificate, the project will be available in the browser via the https protocol.


This command uses the certutil utility, which must be installed on the computer.

Installation for some OS:

  • Debian/Ubuntu/Mint: sudo apt install libnss3-tools
  • Arch Linux/Manjaro: pacman -S nss
  • Fedora: dnf install nss-tools
  • macOS: brew install nss

In the deb-packages, certutil is listed as a dependency.


On some operating systems, certutil may require the root password to install the certificate in the browser's store.

Usage example:

dl cert install
dl cert uninstall


Create or replace the .env file. If a .env.example file exists in the root of the project, it will be used instead of the default file.

Usage example:

dl env


Downloading files and databases from the server.
Without specifying the flag, files and the database are downloaded by default.
If you specify a flag, for example -d, only the database will be downloaded.

Directories that are loaded by default:

  • Bitrix CMS: bitrix
  • WordPress: wp-admin and wp-includes
  • Laravel: only the database is loaded

Available options:

  • -d, --database dump only the database from the server
  • -f, --files only download files from server
  • -o, --override override boot directories (comma separated values)
  • -t, --tables dump only specified tables (comma separated values)

Usage example:

dl deploy
dl deploy -d
dl deploy -d -t b_user,b_file
dl deploy -f
dl deploy -f -o bitrix,upload


Run the project and place the files of the current directory in the container. When finished, displays the local links to the project.
Analogue of the command docker-compose up -d.

Usage example:

dl up


Stop and delete running project containers and the network.
Analogue of the command docker-compose down.

Usage example:

dl down


Stop project containers and restart.
An alias for sequential execution of dl down && dl up commands.

Usage example:

dl recreate


Login to PHP container as www-data or root and start bash shell.

As the second parameter, you can specify the name or ID of another docker container. Default is always the PHP container.

Available options:

  • -r, --root enter the container as root

Usage example:

dl bash
dl bash -r
dl bash site.com_db
dl bash fcb13f1a3ea7


Running bash command in PHP container as user www-data

Usage example:

dl exec composer install
dl exec "ls -la"


Management of service containers (portainer, mailcatcher, traefik).

Usage example:

dl service

service up

Launches the portainer, mailcatcher and traefik containers.
Valid parameters for the --service flag: portainer, mail, traefik

Available options:

  • -r, --restart restart running containers
  • -s, --service run the specified containers (comma separated values)

Usage example:

dl service up
dl service up -r
dl service up -s portainer
dl service up -s portainer,mail

service down

Stops and removes the portainer, mailcatcher and traefik containers.
Valid parameters for the --service flag: portainer, mail, traefik

Available options:

  • -r, --restart restart running containers
  • -s, --service stop the specified containers (comma separated values)

Usage example:

dl service down
dl service down -r
dl service down -s portainer
dl service down -s portainer,mail

service recreate

Stops, removes and restarts the portainer, mailcatcher and traefik containers.
Valid parameters for the --service flag: portainer, mail, traefik

Available options:

  • -s, --service restart the specified containers (comma separated values)

Usage example:

dl service recreate
dl service recreate -s portainer
dl service recreate -s portainer,mail

service restart

Restarts all service containers without deleting.
Command alias dl service --restart

Usage example:

dl service restart


Downloading the latest stable dl release from the repository and updating the application version.

The command is available only when installed in the user's home directory.
When installing a deb package, dl is updated via apt:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install dl

Available options:

  • -n, --no-overwrite do not overwrite config files

Usage example:

dl self-update
dl self-update -n


List of project containers.

The command is similar to docker ps, but only the containers started by the current project are displayed.

Usage example:

dl ps

Output example:



Restoring the original docker-compose files in the configuration directory.

Usage example:

dl templates


Display the current version.

Usage example:

dl version